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Acquire BPO surprises one lucky Dominican employee with a RD$1 million reward

by | Jan 19, 2021

Ending the year on a high note, we announced the winner of our #AcquireAMillion program during our virtual End-of-Year Party on 19 December 2020. Froilan, a Customer Support Associate for one of our US accounts, was randomly selected out of nearly 800 employees who entered for a chance to win. 

“I was in shock… I didn’t speak into the call… And when they told me I won, I was too shocked because I didn’t believe it.” He adds, “I’m thinking of buying a car because I want to go to work [more] faster and more comfortable.”   

With its record-breaking cash prize, the #AcquireAMillion program made a splash across Latin America with coverage in several major publications including Centroamérica EconomíaEl Sol de las AméricasEl Mundo de los Negocios MagazineVisión RDN and Periódico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe, to name a few. 

In tune with the party’s theme, #AcquireGoodVibes, the exciting announcement was made by Acquire CEO Scott Stavretis and CCO Kathryn Marshall during the event. “We have the honor of providing employment to more than 800 employees in the Dominican Republic, and the privilege of continuing to operate during this crisis. We hope the prize will help one of our employees during this time,” says Stavretis. 

See how far the news of our #AcquireAMillion program spread across the region: 

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