
Your Outsourcing Cost-Savings Estimator

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Estimate Your Outsourcing Cost-Savings

Enter your data below to see how we can help you achieve efficiency and cost savings.

Direct Salary Cost
Role Hourly In-House Outsource
Yearly Yearly
$790,400 $540,800
Team Lead (1:15)
$104,000 Included
Account Manager (1 per account)
$66,560 Included
Training (Yearly Average) - $20,800 $12,480
Direct Salary Costs Subtotal $981,760 $553,280
Overhead & Indirect Costs
Item Hourly In-House Outsource
Yearly Yearly
Office Space - $0.00 Included
Hardware & Software - $0.00 Included
Indirect Employee Costs - $0.00 Included
Overhead & Indirect Costs Subtotal $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL COSTS $981,760 $553,280
Total Cost Savings
Percent Savings
Hidden Savings in Efficiencies

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