
Meet the team behind one of the world’s fastest-growing outsourcing providers

Globally experienced leadership

Acquire BPO’s executive team comprises professionals in charge of the company’s operational and functional divisions. Each member has established a reputation as a leader in his/her area of expertise, contributing to the growth and development of the organisation.

Scott Stavretis

Chief Executive Officer

Kathryn Marshall

Chief Commercial Officer

Andy King

Chief Technology Officer

David Newell

Chief Financial Officer

Matt Carracher

Chief Operating Officer

Discover How Our 9,500+ Team Can Optimise Your Operations

Learn how partnering with Acquire BPO can streamline your processes and significantly reduce costs.

Contact us to explore how we can support your goals.

Discover How Our 9,500+ Team
Can Optimise Your Operations

Learn how partnering with Acquire BPO can streamline your processes and significantly reduce costs.

Contact us to explore how we can support your goals.